The Green Acres Effect

After much delay at the hands of family matters, I’m back on the case of finishing The Amazing Secret of the Castle Omi La for this year’s VBS. A little bit of history here. The first VBS play I did was The Terrible Misfortune. It was a pirate-themed show. It was influenced by every cliche [...]

About An Unpleasantness at Lonesome Gulch

I didn’t blog a word about this one. I just got caught up in what was going on, and by the time I recovered, it had been over for a couple of weeks. And unless you’re connected to me via Facebook, you had no idea what was going on. So here’s what went down. I [...]


I’ve been feeling inspired lately, and I’m not quite sure why. A number of things have caught my creative attention, and as soon as some time opens up (in September), I’m going to start tinkering. So what, you might ask, am I inspired to do? 1) This web site, version 8.0. When I chose to [...]

In Which The Terrible Misfortune Sets Sail and Doesn’t Do So Bad As All That

So The Terrible Misfortune is history – for another year, anyway. By the end of the play’s single run, there was talk of doing it again next year, and speculation that another congregation might use it for their one-day VBS as well. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Friday. Rehearsal. The same principles who showed [...]

I Think I Could Get Into This Directing Thing A Lot

A whole lot. A whole fat lot. We rehearsed last night for the first time on the hay wagon that has been skillfully and adroitly converted into a pirate ship by our assistant minister. It comes complete with three sails, a bow, a secret compartment, a ship’s wheel, a flag that changes from a Union [...]

The Show Must Begin

The Terrible Misfortune is finished, completed with a session on Saturday (Episode 4) and then Sunday afternoon (Episode 5), in time for casting and first rehearsal Sunday night after evening services. The total page count is 47, and I think the two scenes are about of equal length, with 5 being the larger of the [...]

Three Down, Two Left

While discussing root canal yesterday, I failed to mention that I’d reached page 22 of The Terrible Misfortune. And then yesterday evening I made it over the hump, finished the middle episode, two to go, hitting page 33. It’s going quickly now. It helps that I’ve been talking about building the set, and especially who [...]

So Who Am I, Anyway?

It’s a strange thing to find out that something unexpected makes up who you are. I mean, there are some things that I take for granted that make up the bag of protoplasm that happens to be me – my relationship with God and my family, my job, my writing, my addiction to music, my [...]


The Terrible MisfortuneEpisode OnePages, 6/25/06: 4Total Pages: 4 Slow progress, considering the time I put in on it, but the play begins with a long, hopefully funny, monologue from a hapless narrator. When writing plays, I always tend to work slower when writing monologue. And no matter what I write, when I get into dialogue, [...]


While hunting for pirates today, I found treasure. With my wife at the grocery store, my daughter at the library, and my mom immersed in reruns of Bonanza, I sat down to start work on The Terrible Misfortune, but got sidetracked by some old, outdated notes I found in my MacJournal software. (MacJournal is an [...]


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