What, are you kidding? We got ourselves an e-book here!

It’s live on Amazon.com. You can get it for the Amazon Kindle, and if you don’t have one, you can read it on a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Blackberry, Android or Windows Phone 7 with Amazon’s free Kindle Application. And it’s only $0.99, for a limited time.* So check it out on this site’s new [...]

The Endorsements

Here’s a kind of off-beat thought. It all started when I picked up a huge bottle of Coast body wash at the local drug store, picking the brand because I was familiar with their bath soap, and because the bottle held more than the competing brands and was at least a buck cheaper. When I [...]

The Writer and the Day Job

So… as I said recently, the Stephen Kings and J.K. Rowlings of the world get advances in the tens of millions of dollars, and their publishers don’t make their money back on the deal. But they have a star to hang in their firmament. And the mid-listers – the ones you see on the bestseller [...]

Battle of the Super Bowl Ads, 2010 Edition

The Up Tour

The following was delayed from a lunch hour posting by Blogger’s server woes, and I feel like it has lost some of its immediacy. But here it is anyway. Hitting the hard stuff to get through today: a grande skim latte from Starbucks. When I get them, I usually get decaf, but I didn’t get [...]


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