One eMail and Everything Changes

Okay, I’m going to admit something. I haven’t been straight with you all, because at the time a lot of this went down, it didn’t matter. Now, all of a sudden, it does. At the end of last year, I was dropped by my agent. I can’t say that I blame him. I pretty much [...]

A Nice Father and Son Thing to Do (Wife Included)

Tuesday evening I did something unusual – I was the opening act for my son. Sort of. Since my son has been in town to attend a series of weddings, my wife got the idea that we should all go to Muggswigz for Open Mike night. Natrually, this would entail his playing some songs off [...]

Taking it Seriously, Finally

Okay, I said I was going to take my music more seriously in 2007. It has just taken me eight months or so to start thinking along those lines. In the last month or so, I opened up an account at GarageBand. And I actually posted a song there, a rough demo of Salad Days [...]

Writer’s Ego

Writers have to have a certain amount of ego to do what they do. Don’t believe me? Think of the gall it takes: “I’m going to fill 500 sheets of paper with my writing. Then I’m going to send it to a complete stranger, who will pay me money for it. Then he will spend [...]


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