Curteman on “Show, Don’t Tell”

Frequent readers of this blog will know that I often invoke “show, don’t tell” as one of the early steps to take in becoming a good writer. Now mystery writer Nancy Curteman has taken all of the, um, mystery out of doing this, explaining it in a much more concise way than I could.

Hat Tip: My Literary Quest

4 Do’s and Don’ts of “Show, Don’t Tell” When an editor says, “Show, don’t tell,” what exactly does that mean? It’s more than a string of adjectives or details. Showing allows the author to tell the story through the action, words, thoughts, senses, and feelings of character's. Perhaps this list of do’s and don’ts will clarify. When an author “shows” s/he: • makes description part of the action. Not: The floor was old. But: The worn floor creaked with each footstep on the warped boards. … Read More

via Global Mysteries

4 Responses

  1. Hey Joe, Thanks for highlighting my piece on “Show, don’t tell.” I cruised your site and really see a lot that interests me. I’ll be back often. Nancy

  2. Thank you for a great, concise piece about something every writer should know. BTW, I’ve added your blog to my Google Reader account so I can keep track of what you’re up to as well.

    • Thanks for adding me to your Google Reader account. I am beginning a new novel set in both modern Paris as well as ancient Lutece, the home of the Parisii people who inhabited central Paris during the Roman occupation. I’ll do some posts on modern and historical Paris.

  3. It’s good to see you two have gotten to know each other, Nancy does great work. Thanks for linking back to me as well, I really appreciate it. Great work!

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